Headshot of Taina Wikberg

Finance Manager


Contexts of work



Areas of Specialisation

Company finance


Headshot of Taina Wikberg

Taina Wikberg

Well-managed finances are the backbone of any company, and well-reconciled accounts are key to well-managed finances.

Taina joined Sonder in 2018. She keeps our financial strings in order and accounts up to date. She is our liaison e.g. to auditor, tax officials and other Finnish authorities. Taina has a Master of Science-degree in Economics and Business Administration from Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki, Finland. She has a long and versatile experience in finance and administration. She has worked more than 20 years for Finnish subsidiaries of international companies and Finnish based multicultural businesses and with different cultures. 

On her spare time, Taina goes to gym or for long walks and socializes with her family and friends. She also likes to travel and has studied several languages to be able to communicate in local language during her travels.

Children, economic empowerment, education and health are important causes to Taina.

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